Naturopathic Specialties: Dr. Florence McPherson ND
Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Reiki, Gynecology, Herbal and Holistic medicine

Caring Competent Modern Natural Medicine - Telehealth appointments available
Caring Competent Modern Natural Medicine - Telehealth appointments available
Recent Blog/Speaking engagement Entries
Recent Blog/Speaking engagement Entries
See Blog category for a list of speaking engagements
"Having a session with Dr. McPherson is like several therapy sessions in one" "Grateful for her presence" JV
" I have been seeing Dr. McPherson for years! Since first meeting her I have only trusted her for my medical care". LP
"Dr McPherson listens, she is the first doctor that listened to what I was feeling and experiencing." CP
'Since seeing Dr. McPherson my health continues to sustain and improve. I have greater health due to her care. I am aging gracefully". LH
"Dr. McPherson is a true expert in her field!" CC

Dr. Florence McPherson ND
Florence McPherson N.D. holds a doctorate of Naturopathic medicine. She is a board certified and licensed Naturopathic Physician, in the state of Connecticut, specializing in Homeopathy and Women's Health. She is a health educator, professor, physician and seasoned clinician in private practice for 21years. Currently, Dr McPherson teaches an Anatomy and Physiology lab course at The University of Bridgeport . She is the current President-elect, board of trustees member of The American Institute of Homeopathy, the oldest extant national medical professional association in the US. Dr McPherson enjoyed a rewarding 13 years as a didactic and clinical professor of Homeopathy at The University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine and at The Graduate Institute for 7 years.
Dr. McPherson began practicing Homeopathy over 30 years ago while living in Seattle, Washington where she was exposed to alternative healing arts and Naturopathic Medicine. She began cultivating and honing her connection to herbs and the land as well as homeopathy while living in the great Northwest!
Homeopathy was a natural study for her. It was an intellectual as well as soul connection to the material and a natural progression of study out of her work as a counselor in the social service field working with homeless families in crisis.
As a lay homeopath Dr. McPherson entered Naturopathic medical school, 13 years later, during her re-location to the east coast, continuing her work in the social service field with the Archdiocese of Manhattan. She received her Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2003 and has been in private practice since. She is a skilled and seasoned homeopath, an avid herbalist and a Reiki practitioner. With a honed intuition Dr McPherson can assist with aligning you on your specific path to wellness and well being. It has been an honor treating all patients that have come to me for care for these past 21 years! It continues to be a rich and fulfilling experience.
As a Naturopathic physician Dr McPherson will offer you a unique experience empowering you to heal while acting as a teacher so that you may further facilitate your path to wellness and growth. Some of her patients call her Dr. Flo and comment on her healing, calm and reassuring presence.
Dr Florence McPherson N.D. is a member of The American Institute of Homeopathy, The New York Academy of Sciences and The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Dr McPherson recently was honored to attend/study with Professor George Vithoulkas at The International Academy of Classical Homeopathy in Alonissos,Greece and previously at The New York Medical College- medical Homeopathy. In addition with Dr. Andre Saine at The Canadian Academy of Homeopathy and Dr. Farokh Master.
She is the mother of a vibrant, healthy college aged daughter who is treated using Naturopathic medical principles and homeopathy. They enjoy the outdoors and maintain their lovely property in Connecticut. Dr. McPherson enjoys treating children and young adults as well.
What is Homeopathy?
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a medical art and science. It is a truly holistic approach to health as it emphasizes people rather than disease.
Homeopathy is based on the principle that "Like Cures Like". Give the body what it is suffering with or from and the body will naturally realign itself to a state of health.
Founded in the 1700's by the German Physician and Chemist Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathy continues, two hundred years later, to treat and prevent illness. Homeopathic medicines are among the safest known: non-allergenic, non-toxic, free of side effects and have no known drug interactions.
They are prepared from herbal, mineral and animal substances and made in accordance with the HPUS (Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States) and regulated by the FDA.
Homeopathic remedies act curatively and preventively by raising your general level of health by strengthening your own internal defense mechanism or immune system.
What can Homeopathy Treat?
What can Homeopathy Treat?
Homeopathy treats all illnesses whether they are of a general medical, pediatric, gynecological or psychological nature. The homeopath sees each patient as a unique individual with a unique personality and unique set of symptoms. This means that six persons with the same illness might each get a different homeopathic remedy.
Because homeopathy treats the individual and not just the disease, it has been proven very effective in treating mental and emotional conditions as well as long standing chronic illness.
Many cases of the following have successfully been resolved using homeopathy:
- Depression
- Chronic Fatigue
- Menstrual pain
- Arthritis
- Menopause Symptoms
- Fibroids
- Chronic Pain
- Migranes
Children can benefit greatly from homeopathic care. Physical ailments such as:
- Chronic ear infections
- Sore throats
- Colds
- Asthma
can be successfully treated. Even children diagnosed with ADD, Developmental delays and other behavioral problems have experienced dramatic improvements.
The Role of your Naturopathic Specialist.
The Role of your Naturopathic Specialist.
Because Naturopathic treatment and homeopathy involves treating the whole patient, the initial homeopathic interview is detail oriented and complete in scope. Your Naturopathic Physician takes a careful health history and performs a physical examination when necessary.
The Physician listens to all of your symptoms, then uses them to select a homeopathic remedy. The more individualized and unusual your symptoms are, the easier it is to find a homeopathic medicine that uniquely matches you.
Classical homeopathic practitioners only prescribe one remedy at a time, based on the Law of Similars or "let like treat like".
Your Naturopathic Physician will spend time learning about you as a whole individual, not just a set of symptoms. Look at your relationship with your Naturopath as a health partnership.
Dr. Florence McPherson ND is available to take your individual case by phone consultation or in person at her office in Milford Connecticut.
in addition to offering Homeopathic consultations,
Dr. McPherson provides alternative Women's healthcare including gynecological exams and alternative gynecological treatments.
You may contact her via e-mail with questions or to schedule an appointment at (203) 685-5795. FaceTime and HIPPA compliant ZOOM appointments are also available. Please phone or email her
Organon Study
Organon Study
Dr.McPherson is holding weekly, 2 hour classes, at her Milford office location, on foundational Homeopathic study. The Organon of the Medical Art, 6th edition, by Samuel Hahnemann founder of Homeopathic medicine is the subject of study. For those that wish to join please contact Dr. McPherson at 203-685-5795 or drflomcpherson@aol.com